Johnny will fight to protect the mortgage interest deduction and will work to ensure that any tax reforms proposed in Congress protect America’s homeowners and their most valuable asset.
Johnny believes it is wrong that capital gains on real estate investments are taxed at a higher rate than gains from stocks and securities. He will fight for lower and equitable capital gains rates.
Johnny fought to protect and maintain consumer choices, competition among mortgage lenders and fair competition by keeping large banking conglomerates out of real estate. Without his help, the damage done to our financial system could have been far worse.
Johnny supported efforts that created a limited time tax credit for homebuyers able to shoulder the responsibilities that come with owning a home.
Johnny supports efforts to make the higher VA loan limits permanent, further extend the VA Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) program, and make refinancing easier for America’s veterans.
Understanding that the program needs to be strengthened and made self-sustaining, Johnny supported efforts to update the program to ensure rural families have access to safe, affordable mortgage financing.
Johnny will work to reform or eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), which penalizes middle-class working people instead of making sure that all taxpayers pay their fair share. Johnny will be sure that any reforms protect America’s homeowners and their most valuable asset.
Johnny supports raising the current artificial cap on credit union business lending, which will provide much-needed capital to commercial property owners at no cost to the American taxpayer.
October 27, 2010
To get out the important Message of Johnny Isakson's support of the REALTOR® Agenda, here is some of the direct mail that has been sent to REALTORS®. Vote Johnny Isakson November 2.
September 30, 2010
If real estate is your profession, then politics is your business! We need elected officials in Washington who understand our industry and our livelihoods, and are willing to stand up and protect our interests.
September 29, 2010
Johnny began his business career in 1967 when he opened the first Cobb County office of a small, family-owned real estate business, Northside Realty. Johnny later served as president of Northside for 20 years, presiding over the company’s growth into the largest independent residential real estate brokerage company in the Southeast and one of the largest in America. Read more about Johnny Isakson.