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NAR’s Campaign Management Training – for GADs and AEs

Is your association interested in getting involved in a local policy or community issue but doesn’t know where to begin? Would your members like to support a state or local candidate running for elected office, but are lacking experience? With the advent of the REALTOR® Party Initiative, GADs and AEs now have access to a variety of campaign services that can take your association’s campaign involvement to the next level, while providing your members with long term and bottom-line benefits for their dues dollars.

This two-day program is specifically for REALTOR® association AEs and GADs who want embrace the core of the REALTOR® Party Initiative and take their state and/or local candidate and issues campaigns to new levels of success.

You will learn from experts in the fields of polling, surveying, data, member engagement, direct mail and email.  You will also learn from those who specialize in mass TV and radio communications, field organizing and reaching voters through new technology. Throughout the two days, following each presentation, group exercises will enable teams to build their own campaigns and strategies. Ultimately, teams will present a mock-campaign strategy on provided scenarios.

Aristotle said, "What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing." Attendees will not only be learning by doing, but learning from peers while creating valuable professional connections.

2017 Dates:

  • Campaign Management Training 1.0 [Register Now]
    April 20-22 in Austin, Texas (course registration available in late February).
  • Campaign Management Training 2.0
    June 8-10 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Course registration available in April. CMT 1.0 is a prerequisite for this course). 

Sample Agenda

Training Focus:

  • Building long-term strategy across your association to include candidate selection, issue campaigns, and advocacy outreach
  • Drafting budgets and plans to practice campaign execution
  • Learning what tools and resources are available to you through NAR

Who Should Attend: This training is for REALTOR® Association Government Affairs Directors and CEO’s who are interested in learning more about the nuts and bolts of conducting state and local issues and/or candidate advocacy campaigns. Particular interest will be paid to the tools and services available for use with NAR’s Issues Mobilization Program and NAR’s Candidate Independent Expenditure campaigns.

Class Size:  Space is limited to 35 participants.

Registration Fee: $99 (includes session materials, breakfast and lunch on both days, and reception).  

How to Register:  Registration information will be posted as soon as it is available on this website.  For additional information contact Kyle Lambert London at KLambertlondon@realtors.org.

Hotel and Travel Costs: Hotel and travel costs are paid by the individual.  NAR negotiates hotel rates in each city and tries to keep costs as low as possible for those attendees who travel.

Facilitators:  Sessions are facilitated throughout the two days by various professional political consultants in the areas of polling, data analysis, online advertising, phone outreach, direct mail and emails, TV and radio communications, field campaigns, and political pundits.

Materials:  Session materials will be provided electronically both before (via email) and during (via flash drives) the session.

Staff Contact: Kyle Lambert London, NAR REALTOR Party Education Manager. KLambertlondon@realtors.org; 202-383-1203.

Call for Action + Issue Awareness 

Why We Vote
Find out how REALTORS® use their power at the polls to support the REALTOR® Party! Get ready for the elections, meet the candidates and make sure you're registered to vote!
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