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State and Local Association Independent Expenditure Program

The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) will implement a new and exciting program to assist our state and local associations to get involved in local and state elections. The NAR State and Local Independent Expenditure Program provides each state with funds that they can use to support candidates for political office who support REALTORS® and the real estate industry.

If you are interested in running an independent expenditure campaigns, here is what you need to do:

Choose your candidate – Does your association want to support someone whom has helped with previous issues? Do you have a REALTOR® who wants to run for public office? The first step is for your association to choose who will make a great candidate to support.

Develop your campaign plan – Once you select your candidate, what can you do to support their election efforts? The NAR Campaign Services Program can help you do things like conduct polling, consider messaging or develop direct mail provide your IE campaign the resources for success.

Design your budget – You have developed your campaign plan, now decide what your budget will be for this independent expenditure campaign. Will your association be contributing funds to the IE, with RPAC money or other funds? You will need to know this to apply for the IE program.

Fill out the application formThe online application will allow you to give NAR all of the information needed to get your request for an IE underway. (pdf format - click here to download Acrobat Reader)

Your IE request is considered by the REALTOR® Party Coordinating Committee - The NAR RPCC will consider all state and local association requests to run an IE. The RPCC will look at the application for the IE, as well as information regarding the race to make a recommendation about supporting your IE.

Run the campaign – If your IE is approved by the RPCC, then it is time to implement your campaign plan. The NAR Campaign Services Program will help you make sure all the parts of your campaign plan come together to support your candidates who support the real estate industry.

Report on your results – Win or lose, NAR wants your feedback on how the IE Program worked in your area. Tell us your campaign story. What tools were effective? How can we approach campaigns differently to make the IE program even better? Your feedback will be an important part of improving the IE program.

The NAR State and Local Independent Expenditure Program will help you support the candidates for political office whosupport your REALTORS®.

Apply online now. (pdf format - click here to download Acrobat Reader)

 NAR State and Local Association Independent Expenditure Program Description

 2012 State/Local IE Expenditures Forecast

 For additional information on the NAR State and Local IE Program, or the NAR Campaing Services Program, please go to the REALTOR® Action Center (www.realtoractioncenter.com) or contact Gerry Allen at gallen@realtors.org or 202-383-1109.

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