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Voter Count Tool

Welcome to the REALTOR® Party Voter Count Tool, a new interactive program designed to identify target audiences for your Issues and Candidate campaigns. The voter toll will assist you with demographic targeting and help you get the most from your available resources.  The tool allows campaigns to count registered voters in your state in a variety of ways – including geography, political characteristics or even consumer behavior. 
The Voter Count Tool also includes new features that allow you to contact REALTORS® ONLY when conducting campaigns like REALTORS® Registering REALTORS® or REALTOR® specific outreach efforts.
Take a look!  The Voter Count Tool is an easy way to see what kind of data is available to you through NAR’s Campaign Services Program.  For example, find out how many voters in your Congressional District own a home.  See how many people voted in the last gubernatorial election.  Check it out now.  Any voter universe you can define is available to your association through the Campaign Services Program. 

 Access the recent Webinar about the new Voter Tool

 Enroll in the Voter Tool Program (PDF)

For more information about the tool and/or to request a username and password, please contact Gerry Allen.

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