NAR's Voter Registration Initiative
NAR's Voter Registration Initiative was developed to assist you and your association by providing tools and services that help increase the number of your voting members. Nearly 80 percent of REALTORS® are registered to vote, but we can do better. As REALTOR® association professionals, it is your role to help protect the interests of the real estate industry. By making sure that your members are registered to vote on key issues and races, we help to ensure that The Voice for Real Estate® is heard by legislators at the local, state and national levels.
How NAR Can Help
Option 1: Mail, E-mail or Combined Campaign
NAR will you give your membership lists broken down between your registered and non-registered voters, as well as your members who have recently moved. You can these use these lists to mail or e-mail your members, encouraging them to register to vote. Use one of three already designed customizable postcards or take advantage of sample language to send an e-mail or letter to a newly moved member or an unregistered member. Get started!
Option 2: Customizable Campaign
Create your own voter registration drive. Use one or all of several outreach methods—phone banks, print and Web ads, Facebook or blogs—to encourage your members to register. These can also serve as an enhancement to the Option 1 campaign. Get started!
Voter Registration Initiative Webinar:
If you were unable to attend the GAD Institute this summer, you may have missed the information on NAR's Voter Registration Initiative. A webinar presentation is now available for on-demand viewing. Please take a moment to check out this 40-minute presentation that explains the tools and services available to you from NAR.
To request your association's membership lists or if you have questions regarding NAR's Voter Registration Initiative, contact NAR representative, Kyle Lambert London at or 202-383-1203.
Read why REALTOR® association staff around the country believe the REALTOR® vote matters so much.
Share this program with someone else! Download the Voter Registration Initiative brochure!
Order "Vote, Act, Invest" campaign buttons, bumper stickers, balloons and t-shirts too!