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Conducting Housing Fairs

A Housing Fair is an event designed to bring together and make available to the public experts and vendors whose services or expertise would likely be needed at some point in the homebuying process. In addition to REALTORS®, fairs might include banks and other lenders, home inspectors, closing attorneys, buyer-brokers, and local fair housing officials and advocates, non-profit housing organizations, and representatives from government housing agencies.

Housing fairs are typically organized like a crafts fair, with each vendor assigned a designated table, booth, or area. Depending on the size of the fair, each vendor might have a display, literature to distribute, and multiple persons available to answer questions. Some housing fairs also offer workshops on selected topics of interest to homebuyers. The purpose of a housing fair is to educate potential homebuyers (usually first-time buyers) on all aspects of the buying process.

A mortgage fair is similar to a housing fair but focuses solely on mortgage financing. Increasingly we have seen associations offering foreclosure-prevention fairs where lenders and counselors meet one-on-one with borrowers to explain refinancing and other options to current homeowners in danger of losing their homes. The character of housing fairs can differ greatly from area to area and state to state, but those who succeed, and there are many, find that there are several common keys to their success. These are highly recommended to associations contemplating their own housing fairs.

 Suggestions for Hosting Your Own Fair

 Examples of Associations Who Hosted Housing Fairs

 Download this section from the Housing Opportunity Toolkit (PDF)

Photo courtesy of the Charlotte Regional REALTOR® Association Housing Opportunity Foundation