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Housing Opportunity Toolkit for Associations

Making Affordable Housing Work: The Housing Opportunity Toolkit is a collection of resources and information for both individual REALTORS® and REALTOR® associations.

You can download the entire toolkit here (PDF, 1MB) or download and print individual sections below that are full of helpful tips and suggestions for associations looking to improve their housing opportunity programs.

Below the section links, you can browse or search the entire toolkit too.



 For REALTOR® Associations

1. Conducting Housing Fairs
2. Developing and Implementing Public Awareness and Media Campaigns
3. Organizing an Affordable “Parade of Homes” Event
4. Conducting Housing Symposiums/Summits
5. Developing an Affordable Housing Certification Program for REALTORS®
6. Community Involvement
7. Working with Elected Officials
8. Building Coalitions and Developing Partnerships With Private and Public Organizations
9. Writing a Compelling Grant Application
10. Identifying Additional Funding Sources
11. Holding Affordable Housing Education Events for the Public
12. Diversity’s Role in Affordable Housing
13. Smart Growth’s Role in Affordable Housing

Reference (Getting Started, Organizations and Links)

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