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Issues Mobilization Criteria

A local board may make application for support only with the approval of their state association.

A complete cost analysis or budget of the overall campaign, as well as a written explanation of how the requested funds will be used must accompany the IMC Financial Request Form.

All IMC Financial Request Forms must have the signature of the state and local association President or Executive Officer.

Funding support for lengthy campaigns may be disbursed incrementally. If incremental funding is exercised, a campaign progress report must be received by the IMC staff executive at least 20 days prior to the additional funding. A final report, together with accounting for funds provided, is due 30 days following resolution of the issue. Any unused funds shall be returned to the IMC. Failure to provide a campaign follow-up report will be taken into consideration on future funding requests. Additional reporting may be required at the discretion of the IMC.

Applicants should demonstrate that funds for campaigns have been solicited from other potentially affected individuals and/or other groups, prior to obtaining funds from NAR.

Applicants should indicate whether other states/localities could be affected by the issue: if so, whether REALTOR® associations in those states/localities have been solicited to join a regional effort.

Funds provided by the IMC will not exceed the total funds provided by the state and local associations combined resources directed toward an issue campaign. The IMC funds will be released only when all state/local association funding commitments have been met.

Requests will be considered by the IMC on an individual basis. Equally important considerations include the following:

  • Importance of issue to all REALTORS®
  • Funds raised from REALTORS®
  • Active REALTOR® involvement
  • Winability
  • Funds raised in the community
  • Broad-based community support
  • Extensive coalition building
  • Previous activity on the issue

    Funds cannot be used for activities that endorse a candidate.

    Funds provided by the IMC will not exceed the total funds provided by the state and local associations combined resources directed toward a request for financial assistance, to participate in the NAR Smart Growth State and Local Polling program. Examples of appropriate requests for financial assistance by a state or local association are as follows:

    1. The requesting association is participating in the NAR State and Local Voter Polling program, paying 50% of the cost (NAR Smart Growth program pays the other 50% of the base cost) to perform a state or local poll, which is a program within the NAR Smart Growth Initiative. The requesting association is seeking funding assistance to:
  • Increase the number of interviews included in the study (baseline is 400 interviews); and/or
  • Add additional poll questions; and/or
  • Receive a survey presentation of the poll results.

    2. Once the funding through the NAR Smart Growth Initiative is fully exhausted (by picking up 50% of the costs, for example, 15 associations budgeted per bi-annual poll in the year 2001), then the IMC would serve as a potential funding source to provide up to 50% of the cost to state or local associations interested in participating in the program.

    Funds may be provided to a requesting state association for the NAR Smart Growth Customized State Legislation program. The following criteria must be met for a state association (limited to states) to apply:

    1. The state association must demonstrate the need or opportunity for proposing new legislation. Need can be demonstrated by polling results, political intelligence, and/or prior legislation that has been introduced by other individuals or groups.

    2. Requirement of state association Board of Directors approval which clearly demonstrates the desire to participate in the program and willingness to develop and introduce some form of state growth management legislation.

    3. The state association must demonstrate their resource commitment or a plan to raise adequate funds to achieve the desire goal of adopting state smart growth legislation.