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2012 RPAC Enhancements

 2012 RPAC Fundraising Enhancements & Policy Changes
RPAC Trustees recently approved several changes to RPAC policy. This Webinar will explain the changes, the impact these changes will have at the state and local levels. Section one covers changes and enhancements of RPAC Leadership and Goals. Section two covers enhancements to the RPAC programs.

 2012 RPAC Fundraising Liaisons
To carry the RPAC message far and wide, four National Fundraising Liaisons and a Major Investor Liaison will be hitting the road this year in different regions. Don’t miss an opportunity to hear one of these dynamic and passionate RPAC advocates at your next state or local meeting. Request a Fundraising Liaison or other RPAC Representative today!

 2012 RPAC Fair Share Goal and RPAC Fundraising Challenge
In 2011 RPAC raised $5,898,656. Our goal in 2012 is to raise $7.6 mm and we need your help. The challenges we face demand an unprecedented effort to protect our clients and the future of our profession. The RPAC Fundraising Challenge is a rallying cry for all REALTORS® to pull together as housing leads our country forward! Please check out the state-by-state details.

 Major Investor and President’s Circle Goals
Our national Major Investor goal is for 1% of membership to be Major Investors. To achieve this goal, the Trustees have adopted a program where states below 1% participation are challenged to add 20% to their 2011 Major Investor count. Once over 1%, states are challenged to add just 5% to their previous year total.

The President’s Circle goal is set at 10% of the Major Investor Goal, or to match the 2011 total for the state, whichever is greater. Please check out the state-by-state details.

 President’s Circle Credit for Local Boards
To encourage recruitment for President’s Circle at the state and local level, NAR gives states a $1,400 credit towards their Fair Share Goal for each paid President’s Circle member. To be equitable to local boards, in order for a state to continue receiving this credit, they will now be required to give local boards credit towards their local board goals to recognize President’s Circle participation. A letter to states explaining the change will be sent in the new calendar year. For more details contact Brooke Roth.

 States with Restrictions on PAC Management System
Several states have political finance laws which require the state association to pay for NAR-provided fundraising and compliance software and other resources which other states can use without charge. The National RPAC Trustees have voted to adjust the Fair Share Goal for states with restrictions in equal proportion to the amount these states must pay to use the NAR PAC Management System software. For more details regarding this latest developments please contact Peter Kelly.

 Major Investor Benefits
The 2012 RPAC Trustees have passed changes & clarifications to the RPAC Major Investor Benefits, including major investor plaques.

 Major Investor Pin Enhancement
The new 2012 Major Investor Pins will be sent out more efficiently in the upcoming fundraising year and display the recognition year more prominently. Pins will be sent out to our Major Investors more efficiently than ever before and will become available after the New Year.

 RPAC Fundraising Partnership Program
States may now apply for RPAC Fundraising Grants as well as RPAC Conference Grants (where state law allows). Local boards can continue to take advantage of this popular program which provides up to $5,000 in support of new and innovative RPAC fundraising activities.

 Accelerated Recognition for Major Investors on Payment Plans
States may now frontload the first 30% of their Major Investors’ contribution to NAR for faster recognition. To learn more please contact Ed Lawler and Peter Kelly.

 President’s Circle Changes
The 2012 RPAC Trustees passed several enhancements to the President’s Circle program: new President’s Circle members must invest $500 to a recommended REALTOR® Champion or party committee regardless of enrollment date. FPCs may contribute $500 directly to their respective Member of Congress in lieu of the party committee. President’s Circle members already enrolled from the previous year are required to invest at least $500 by April 30, 2012. 

 Challenge: Major Investor Event in Each State
To reach the aforementioned Major Investor Goals, the 2012 Major Investor Liaison, Mike Ford of Arkansas, has challenged each state to hold at least one Major Investor Event in 2012. To schedule yours, please contact Christopher Nave.

 Options for States with PAC Fundraising Restrictions
Most states benefit from NAR resources to support their RPAC fundraising efforts; 14 states have some level of restriction under state law. NAR is committed to working with state regulators to achieve workable solutions in support of your RPAC goals. For a memorandum on options and resources, please contact Ed Lawler.

 Online Fundraising Campaigns
Online fundraising efforts are quickly becoming a prominent staple of the RPAC world. These primarily educational campaigns are especially effective at introducing RPAC to a wide audience of REALTORS® not reached through other channels. For full details on how your state can get involved, please contact Laura Camp.

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