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Smart Growth for the 21st Century: Instructor Resource Page

Presentation Materials:

1) Presentation Preparation Guide

2) Course PowerPoint (100MB)

3) Course PowerPoint Case Studies (Choose 3 and insert at slide 39)
a. Geneva, NY
b. Lakewood, CO
c. Mountain Brook, AL
d. Suwannee, GA

4) Course Case Studies – other sources:

a. Case Studies on Transit and Livable Communities in Rural and Small Town America  (in PDF)
(2010)Transportation for America. A dozen case studies of places using smart growth strategies to survive, grow and thrive.

b. Economic Development and Smart Growth (in PDF)
(2006) International Economic Development Council. Eight case studies on the connections between smart growth development and jobs, wealth, and quality of life in communities.

c. Smart Growth Illustrated
US EPA. Examples for each of the ten smart growth principles.

d. Coastal & Waterfront Smart Growth
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Illustrative examples of the ten smart growth principles in coastal and waterfront communities.

e. Case Studies in Smart Growth
Smart Growth Gateway (New Jersey). Smart growth case studies in New Jersey, arranged by issue.

f. Smart Growth Principles and Practices (in PDF)
(2002) Cal-Poly Pomona Community Planning Lab.  A compilation of smart growth policies and developments from across the country, selected for their relevance to San Luis Obispo County. Excellent brief descriptions of 28 developments.

5) Instructor Guide (in PDF)
6) Participant Guide (in PDF)
7) Exercise Packet (in Word)
8) Evaluation Form (in Word)

Marketing Materials

1) Brochure (in PDF)
2) Promotional PowerPoint (in PowerPoint)
3) Timed Outline (in Word)
4) Grant Application (in PDF)