Smart Growth Grant Program Guidance
The following grant guidance apply to Grant Levels 2 and 3.
The Review Panel considers:
- Applications demonstrating cooperation with other organizations.
The Application requires:
- A clear statement of purpose.
- A summary of expected outcomes.
- An itemized budget.
The Grant Program requires that:
- The funds be used within one year of the award or returned to NAR.
- You complete an evaluation form(s) after your activity is complete. Unless this evaluation form is returned your association will not be eligible to receive another grant.
- Your association may be required to submit expense documentation.
- Applications be submitted by email by the association AE or with the AE copied.
The Grant Program allows that:
- If your association has previously been awarded a grant you may apply again to support a new activity or further development of an existing activity.
- Funding requests related to green building and energy efficiency be used to advance public policies that support development of green residential and commercial buildings.
- Proposals that address housing issues must do so from the point of view of land use public policy issues (zoning codes, community planning, development issues, etc.) and cannot be used to fund efforts such as housing programs or housing construction.
- Funding of websites is only permissable if the website is integral to the execution of a land-use policy initiative.
Grants cannot fund:
- NAR-sponsored courses, except for Tier 1 grants for Smart Growth Course.
- Activities that will have occurred prior to six weeks after the application deadline.
- Funds cannot be used to purchase capital items (tools, park benches, etc).
- The funds cannot be used as donations to other organizations unless there is significant REALTOR® activity associated with the collaborative effort.