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Local Association Voter Contact Request Form

Please note: Local Associations must have State Association submit email to David Watts, with text from this document.

Section I. Background Information
Requesting REALTOR® Association*   
Association Staff Submitting Request
Section II. Campaign Information   
Purpose of Request for Voter Contact File
When does your Association anticipate the start of your campaign(s)?
Have you conducted any preliminary research that identifies some or all of the key voter groups that you will target to win your campaign(s)?

      If “Yes,” when was the research conducted?
Do you plan to use outside consultants for your campaign(s), such as a pollster or media firm? If so, please identify
Section III. Staff and Financial Resources  
Who is the lead Association staffer and their contact information for this project?
Please identify any other Association staff who will be participating in this project.  
Identify any and all third-party processors, consultant(s), and/or all other individuals who will have access to the Voter Contact Information.
What is the level of financial commitment by the Association to the campaign(s)?
What campaign activities do you anticipate using the voter contact file for?
Section IV. State Association Coordination**   
Date of request to State Association
Staff person contacted at State Association
Number of voter contact files (exact or range) that State Association has agreed to allocate for use by Association
*The Association is responsible for determining how state and local laws apply to the proposed campaign.
**Association must coordinate this request with the State Association. NAR must receive an email from your State Association acknowledging your campaign, in the format described in the State Association Acknowledgment of Electoral Services Voter Contact Request Form and Application.
NAR's Electoral Services Program is funded by NAR using NAR corporate funds.  Your state's laws may limit your Association's or NAR's participation in this program.  Additionally, your state may also regulate or limit use of public voter files.  You agree to assist and cooperate with NAR to assure that your participation in the Electoral Services Program is conducted in compliance with applicable local and state laws.  In particular, Association shall have its attorney review the proposed campaign and advise regarding compliance with all applicable local and state laws and regulations, including identification of and satisfying all necessary requirements, such as filing forms, statements, or affidavits. 
I verify that the above information is truthful and accurate; that I have the proper authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the Association; and that in consideration of NAR providing a non-exclusive limited license to receive and use voter contact and demographic information exclusively for the purposes described above, the Association shall be bound by the Electoral Services Program Terms of Use.  
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