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2010 GAD Institute - Hotel and Travel Information

 Hotel Information
The 2010 GAD Institute will be held at the Renaissance Seattle hotel. In order to make reservations at the group rate of $189.00 per night, plus tax (currently 15.6 percent), follow the instructions below:

 Register Online

  • Click the link above.
  • Under Check Rates & Availability, type in your arrival and departure dates.
  • The group code will automatically populate: NARNARA
  • A credit card is required to make reservations; card must be valid through check-out date.
  • A room has not been confirmed unless a confirmation number is given to you.
  • Reservations must be received on or before Monday, July 12, 2010.

 Register by Phone

  • You may also make reservations by calling 206-583-0300 or 1-800-546-9184.
  • Please refer to the group by name (NARNARA) to receive the group rate.

 Visiting & Transportation

Directions to the hotel from the airport

 Seattle's Convention and Visitors Bureau

Call for Action + Issue Awareness 

What's in Store for 2010?
Hear NAR President Vicki Cox Golder
discuss public policy intiatives for NAR in 2010.
 Watch the Video  

Join the REALTOR® Party
It is time to put partisan politics behind us and work with leaders on both sides of the aisle who are fighting to keep the American dream of homeownership alive. 
 Take Action Now

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