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2010 GABBY Award Finalists: Best Event



Arcadia Association of REALTORS® - Vulcan Materials Mining Briefing

The Vulcan Mine project is adjacent to residential areas and will leave the property with a more natural look than the traditional approach commonly associated with strip mining. We brought in members of the community and REALTORs from the area, and asked them to listen to the proposal, and see what made the most sense to them. Initially we had several people who were strongly against the proposal because of a variety of misrepresented accusations about the project.  By the end of the event, we had unanimous consent for the proposal, and they credited the association. The event was held on a rainy evening, and in the LA area, no one goes out in the rain.  We had a full house that night. Lastly, people were happily promoting the Association's policy efforts, and as of today, we have more than 200 people in the association giving $99 or more to our PACs to put on these types of events.  Up from 60 last year alone. It is programs like these, and our series of speakers, the PEPsters that the Arcadia Association of REALTORS is able to succeed as much as we have when we have tools like GetActive that allow us to raidly publicize and event and encourage turnout.

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Indiana Association of REALTORS® - 2010 IAR Winter Legislative Conference

IAR had one of its most successful events in January thanks to GetActive.  The promotion and online registration for CONNECT, our Winter Legislative Conference, was only the second time IAR used GetActive for an event and we've been using it for every event since. What made CONNECT so unique - why it put IAR a few steps ahead - is it was not only a conference to promote grassroots strength at the legislature, but it provided a unique benefit to members by incorporating Real Estate Bar Camp.  This event was literally a kick-off for changing the culture at IAR not to mention an entrance into the world of social media.  We wanted to reach members who had not been previously active in our government affairs activities and provide a benefit that would mean something to their business. This combination proved to be a successful, progressive reciprocity:  Our members raved about the business tools they gained at REBar Camp.  Our governor spoke at the REBar Camp.  Our presence at the statehouse was larger than ever.  Our legislative reception was talked about for weeks.  Our RPAC auction at CONNECT drew $1,000 for a just a couple of movies! But more than that, by drawing the crowd we did, we carried a message to the legislature to act on Appraisal Management Company Regulation.  By St. Patrick's Day, we became only the 6th state to pass legislation requiring AMCs to behave when operating in that state. In three short days, because of GetActive, IAR was elevated amongst members not previously active with the association, the Indiana General Assembly, and other trade organizations.  We hope that it served to elevate IAR amongst its peer states at NAR as well. 

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