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2010 GABBY Award Finalists: Best Local Newsletter

Atlanta Board of REALTORS® - Association News

Missoula Organization of REALTORS® - The MOR You Know Video Updates

In this technology rich generation, The Edge, MOR's weekly written newsletter has experienced a decline in readership. While it has been available in both online and paper version, it seems information being provided wasn't getting through to membership. The Missoula OAR, responding to the member's comments on the weekly legislative videos provided during the 2009 session, began producing a video update each Monday morning. The purpose of these videos is to provide membership with a 2-3 minute overview of meeting times and topics for that week, events to add to their calendar, and news that can get them engaged. We've seen a great response from the membership as no reading is required!

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North Shore Association of REALTORS® - The North Shore Update

The "NSAR Update" is our email news update between quarterly print publications.  The purpose of the update is to communicate information on programs, issues, and resources. The update was revised as part of our recent branding program and has been very well recieved.

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