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Requests for educational and financial assistance from a state or local association concerning issue campaigns promoting REALTOR® Association policy will be considered.

Examples of appropriate activities considered under these guidelines are as follows:

 Ballot Measure Campaigns

  • State
  • Local

     Grassroots Lobbying Activities
  • Mailgrams
  • Advertisements/Mass Media/Public Relations
  • Radio
  • Television
  • Newspaper
  • Promotional material – Get Out the Vote on Issue Campaigns

     Education: Provide an educational forum for the community – the purpose of which is to raise the level of knowledge linked to a specific issue.

     Coalition Building with respect to a common issue.
  • Develop grassroots lobbying strategies with other organizations, that is, community-based organizations that are not partisan in nature such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Taxpayers Association, the Building Industry Association, Apartment Association, League of Women Voters (non-REALTOR® related groups).
  • Consider coaliton-building with “internal” REALTOR® groups that could help to advance or win an issue. For example, minority or commercial REALTOR® groups.

     Financial Assistance to pay for technical activities that will aid state and local associations in developing a lobbying strategy. For example:
  • Public Opinion Surveys
  • State and Local
  • Association Polling Program (as part of the NAR Smart Growth program)
  • NAR Smart Growth
  • Customized state legislation
  • Phone banks
  • Expenses associated with employing a consultant (to include, but not limited to: Lobbying, PR, Research, Media)
  • Computer Applications
  • Other

Call for Action + Issue Awareness 

Your Participation Matters
Hear NAR President Charles McMillan and President-Elect Vicki Cox Golder explain why in the President's Podcast.
 Watch the Video  

Join the REALTOR® Party
It is time to put partisan politics behind us and work with leaders on both sides of the aisle who are fighting to keep the American dream of homeownership alive. 
 Sign the Pledge

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