Business Report
Senate Formally Acknowledges Small Business Health Care Crisis
On August 2, 2007, the Senate approved a Sense of the Senate resolution recognizing that there is a crisis in small business health care markets. The resolution continues by saying that the Senate should act this year and provide a solution that builds on existing private markets, offers across state line pooling and provides tax credits. The resolution was sponsored by Senators Lincoln (AR), Snowe (ME), Nelson (NE), Baucus (MT), Grassley (IA), Kennedy (MA), Enzi (WY), Durbin (IL), Crapo (ID) and Smith (OR), Hatch (UT), Isakson (GA), Dodd (CT), Carper (DE), Pryor (AR) and Kerry (MA).
While is measure is not a legislative solution, it is a very public commitment by the major Senate players in the healthcare debate to work together on a new proposal to find healthcare coverage for small business by year end. NAR continues to work with Senators. Enzi (WY.), Nelson (NE), Lincoln (AR) and Durbin (IL) to refine their respective SBHP proposals and with Senator Max Baucus (MT), chair of the Senate Finance Committee, on his parallel efforts to deliver targeted small business health reform this year.
Marcia Salkin 202-383-1092, Jamie Gregory 202-383-1027
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