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Future of the REALTOR® Party PAG Recommendations

In early 2017, the NAR Leadership Team created a Presidential Advosory Group (PAG) on the Future of the REALTOR® Party, and charged its 21 members with five responsibilities.

  1. Analyze the results of the REALTOR® Party’s first five years of performance (2012-2016);
  2. Identify and recommend improvements to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of the REALTOR® Party;
  3. Review each REALTOR® Party program and recommend enhancements or elimination—and identify new REALTOR® Party program offerings;
  4. Establish REALTOR® Party Strategic Objectives for the next five years (2018-2022).
  5. Identify and recommend the financial resources necessary to continue to grow the REALTOR® Party.

Check out the PAG's recommendations. Have questions? Read the FAQs.

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