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I Take Action

Get Involved:

As a member of the REALTOR® Party, you act when called upon to support the REALTOR® Party at the local, state and national levels. I recognize the importance of REALTORS® speaking with one voice, therefore I will participate in Calls for Action, and if a broker, I will join the Broker Involvement Program.  

 Take Action on a Call for Action

 Keep up with issues important to REALTORS®

 Join the Broker Involvement Program

 Sign up for the REALTOR® Mobile Action Network

 Stay informed by following the REALTOR® Action Center: Mobile Action Center




Call for Action + Issue Awareness 

Why We Vote
Find out how REALTORS® use their power at the polls to support the REALTOR® Party! Get ready for the elections, meet the candidates and make sure you're registered to vote!
 Learn More!