Thanks Again for Your Help
Thank you for providing us with valuable information about your phone call with your representative's office.
If you still need them, here are the talking points.
I am a constituent and a REALTOR®.
I have been on the front lines of the housing crisis. I can assure you that even talk of changing MID harms an already fragile market.
I am strongly opposed to the Deficit Commission's proposal to limit or eliminate the Mortgage Interest Deduction.
News reports saying that Congress threatens to repeal or limit MID will keep potential buyers on the sidelines and further delay the housing recovery.
Please oppose any efforts to reduce or eliminate the Mortgage Interest Deduction in any future deficit reduction proposals or legislation. Thank you for helping to ensure the ongoing recovery of the housing market. As a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, I appreciate your belief that home ownership matters.
Thanks again!
Learn why Home Ownership Matters.
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