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Game Changer Criteria

My REALTOR® Party Initiative Criteria for “Game Changer” Proposals

What is a “Game Changer?” According to Oxford dictionary, a game changer is a person, an idea or an event that completely changes the way a situation develops. For the purposes of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS’® My REALTOR® Party Initiative, we define it as an idea that is new and different; one that stands out from the crowd. A REALTOR® Organization Game Changer is an entirely new program, event, or plan that changes the way business is typically done, thought about or made. These Game Changer ideas also are ones that other state and local associations can replicate in their localities.

The My REALTOR® Party Initiative was developed around three goals:

  • To enhance REALTOR® real estate-related community involvement;
  • To help elect REALTOR® champions to public office at all levels of government; and
  • To promote issues that protect and enhance REALTOR® public policy in communities

Game Changer Criteria:

  1. Does the idea effectively advance public policy or community issues for the betterment of REALTORS®, the real estate industry and America’s home owners?
  2. Does the idea increase REALTOR® awareness, support of local government, real estate related community involvement or promote RPAC?
  3. Does the idea advance a real estate related legislative issue?
  4. Does the idea educate the general public on REALTOR® issues?
  5. Has the applicant clearly demonstrated measureable goals that indicate success of the idea?
  6. Does the applicant have a reasonable understanding of the budget and timeline necessary to achieve success?
  7. Does the applicant understand and recognize factors that may inhibit their ability to succeed?
  8. Can the idea be adapted to other REALTOR® associations, other real estate environments and other geographic areas of the country?
  9. Is the association flexible in its willingness to accept counsel and advice from NAR regarding possible alternatives to their plan?
  10. Is this idea a “Game Changer” or does it belong under an existing category of NAR support and assistance?

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