A Message from NAR President Moe Veissi
Our industry is facing a crucial moment. Never before in the history of our great nation have housing and real estate been forced to defend the benefits they provide our country. The very foundation of civilization is no stronger, nor more enduring than the integrity of the homes on which they rest.
We must have a sustainable, durable housing economy for generations to come. Congress and the President should see their job as bolstering the housing economy and strengthening our commitment to the country's health. If the housing market continues to falter, the economy cannot fully recover. Over the next 18 months Congress will begin reshaping the role of housing in achieving the dream of owning a home. That is what we are facing. REALTORS® have something to say about this. And this is our opportunity to ensure housing remains the fiber that binds together the fabric of America.
We are going to defend the American Dream from the doubters who say home ownership and real estate have run their course. That is why we are holding the Rally to Protect the American Dream on May 17th in Washington, D.C. I am asking you to be there and stand with your fellow REALTORS® from every corner of America -- from Alaska to Illinois to Texas to Guam.
We are going to show Congress that no one cares more about revitalizing real estate for future generations than REALTORS® do.
It is critical that you register to let us know you are attending the rally. We want to plan a great event and make sure wet have enough food, water, lunches, t-shirts and buses. If you would like to come, we will help you connect with transportation via your state or local association.
Just complete our Rally Registration. If you request transportation, we will forward that request to your association to follow up with how they can help you get to Washington, D.C. Note that if you plan to stay longer than one day, NAR is not able to cover or reimburse for lodging expenses. However, if your room is over $300/night, NAR will reimburse $100/night up to two nights ($200) to help defray housing costs to attend. Simply bring your hotel confirmation with your room rate and
NRDS ID (members only) to the
NAR Registration desk at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel, and NAR will initiate a refund. For housing requests, please visit our
housing resources information page.
This is our time. This is our moment. We can't do it without you. Join us.

Moe Veissi
2012 NAR President