Midyear Legislative Meetings and Expo
Registration and information about the Midyear governance meetings. Schedule of committee meetings and forums. List of Expo exhibitors and Expo activities.
REALTOR® Rally Registration
You must register for the rally. We need this information to communicate logistics info, to connect you to a ride to Washington, D.C., and ensure we have enough supplies, emails and resources the day of the rally.
Marriott Wardman Park
Primary hotel for most NAR governance meetings and site of the Expo. Check the map to find out where the hotel is located and the nearby Woodley Park Metro stop.
Washington Monument
This is the location where we will hold the rally. Note the nearby Metro stops for Federal Triangle, McPherson Square and Smithsonian.
Washington Metro Transit Authority
This is the primary transportation system. It is inexpensive and easy to travel between the Midyear meetings and Expo location, and the REALTOR® rally location on the Mall. We strongly encourage you to take Metro to and from the rally. The hotel's stop is Woodley Park on the Red Line. You will take this to Metro Center and change to the Blue/Orange line to connect to the closest stops for the Washington Monument --Federal Triangle, McPherson Square or Smithsonian
Parking Garages Near the Rally Location
This map will show parking garages near the rally site and the NAR Washington, D.C. office.
Free Things to Do in Washington, D.C.
This website lists a host of great ideas of interesting and free things to do if you come in early on Wednesday or decide to stay over and explore D.C. on Friday.
Smithsonian Museums
Find out about hours, exhibits and transportation to a number of museums. Many nearby the D.C. office and rally location.