How to Get Involved in the REALTOR® Party

Being a member of the National Association of REALTORS® is a distinguished honor. As NAR members, you are automatically a member of the REALTOR® Party—the only advocacy group in America that fights exclusively for homeownership, real estate investment, strong communities and the free enterprise system. The REALTOR® Party speaks with one voice to advance candidates and public policies that uphold private property rights, real property ownership, strong communities and a vibrant business environment.

Since the REALTOR® Party was launched in 2012, REALTOR® Party Resources have been put to work more than 13, 000 times by more than 1,000 REALTOR® Associations.  In recent years, local level activities have increased; REALTORS® have gained political clout through legislative victories in every corner of the country; and state and local REALTOR® Associations have expanded their community and political presence…all because of the actions of the REALTOR® Party.

While the thought of political advocacy and community engagement on a large scale maybe daunting, here are five easy ways to get started.

Register to Vote

With all the local, state and federal legislative efforts, ballot initiatives and major elections, REALTORS® around the country need to get involved.  Today, approximately 82% of REALTORS® are registered to vote and our goal is to have as many of our members registered and at their polling place on Election Day as possible. Register today, especially if you’ve recently relocated, by visiting

Respond to Calls for Action and Sign up for the REALTOR® Party Mobile Alerts

REALTORS® are busy people, and the REALTOR® Party Mobile Alerts—NAR’s official texting platform—are the simple, easy way for REALTORS® to stay connected from their cell phone or tablet outside of their email inboxes.  It is also the way we make sure our voice is heard from Capitol Hill to the state capitol and in city hall when a call for action is launched. Calls for action send messages from you to your national, state and local legislatures about issues that are important to our business. When a legislative call for action is launched, REALTOR® Party Mobile Alert subscribers get a short text message with ways to take action.

Sign up today by simply texting the word REALTOR to 30644.  In addition to receiving text messages to participate in calls for action, you’ll receive a link to help you locate your polling location and election and primary voting day reminders to make sure we get out the vote.

Visit the REALTOR® Action Center at

Looking for ways to vote, act and invest in the REALTOR® Party? Want to see how REALTORS® and REALTOR® Associations are successfully using REALTOR® Party programs, grants and tools? The REALTOR® Action Center is a one-stop shop for your REALTOR® Party needs, whether you want to apply for grants, learn more about RPAC or participate in a national call for action.   The website offers valuable resources and tools to strengthen their advocacy and community outreach programs, building political clout at every level of government and strong communities nationwide.

Follow the REALTOR® Party and Share Your REALTOR® Party Stories Online

Follow the REALTOR® Party on Facebook (REALTOR® Action Center) and Twitter (@REALTORAction) for the latest information on issues that matter to you.  Join the conversation by tagging us in your posts and use the hashtags #REALTORParty AND your two-letter state abbreviation (i.e., #REALTORParty #IL for Illinois) when posting your stories, photos and videos online.

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.  Each photo, video, post and tweet tells a story—a story of improving and building strong communities, advancing and promoting public policies and candidates that benefit real estate and championing a vibrant business environment.  We want to hear from you and acknowledge your success by sharing your photos and videos with the REALTOR® Family and in our publications.

Read the REALTOR® Party News

The REALTOR® Party News is a monthly newsletter emailed to every member of the National Association of REALTORS® on the second Thursday of the month.  This newsletter provides important advocacy updates and resources, opportunities for REALTORS® to get involved in the REALTOR® Party and highlights the success of REALTORS® and REALTOR® Associations working across America.

You are the REALTOR® Party.  Your advocacy efforts—Voting, Acting and Investing in the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC)—not only make the REALTOR® Party, but our cities, communities and our country stronger and more effective.

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