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REALTOR Party Member Involvement Liaison

The REALTOR® Party Member Involvement Liaison’s role is to promote our grassroots programs to a wider member audience, including the need to participate in NAR’s Calls for Action, be involved with the Broker Involvement Program, and encourage member participation in the political process at federal, state and local levels.

Schedule a Speaker

John Flor (WI), 2014 REALTOR® Party Member Involvement Liaison, welcomes the opportunity to speak to your members about their advocacy involvement. We want as many REALTORs as possible to be ready to ACT on REALTOR® Party issues of importance this year. NAR may also use additional senior staff or volunteer leaders as speakers when necessary.

 Broker Involvement Program Event Recommendation Form

1. Your First & Last Name:  
2. Region:     
3. State:    
4. Will you be attending the event?    
 Event Information: (required: If you do not know the information at this time, please type "unknown" in each box.)
5a. Start Date
5b. End Date  
5c. Time (ex. 5 p.m.) 
6a. Address of Event Location
6b. Event Web Site (optional) 
7a. Contact Name
7b. Contact Phone Number
7c. Contact E-Mail
 Additional Information: (optional)
This information will help expedite our planning.
8a. If you have an agenda for the event, please upload the file here.
8b. What is the time designated for the Broker Program presentation? (Thirty minutes is recommended for a full presentation. Ten to 15 minutes is recommended for commitee briefings.)
9. Estimated number of attendees:  
10. The audience will primarily be... 

11. Please list any VIPs, special guests or leadership attending the event.
12. Please identify the nearest major airport:
13. Please recommend transportation to/from the airport and event (cab, shuttle, rental car, etc.).
14. Will the state association reserve a room(s) for the Liaison?
14a. Location of hotel:
15. Special instructions or considerations, if any.

Call for Action + Issue Awareness 

Why We Vote
Find out how REALTORS® use their power at the polls to support the REALTOR® Party! Get ready for the elections, meet the candidates and make sure you're registered to vote!
 Learn More!