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www.realtoractioncenter.com > For Realtors > For Brokers > Portal > Stimulus > Stimulus Broker Call for Action
CFA Title: Housing Stimulus is the Key to Unlocking America's EconomyTarget Audience: Your Member of CongressTimeline: ImmediatelyRead the CFA: http://takeaction.realtoractioncenter.com/campaign/2009stimulus
NAR emailed you today and asked you to take immediate action on NAR’s Housing Stimulus Plan Call for Action. This Call for Action came from Charles McMillan, NAR President. I support his efforts.
You know how important housing is to the national economy. Congress is moving very fast on a Stimulus package and they need to hear from all REALTORS now about what is needed. The NAR Housing Stimulus Plan is a critical component to unlocking the American economy.
I urge you to take action today.http://takeaction.realtoractioncenter.com/campaign/2009stimulus
Sincerely, <<Broker Name>>
Below is the sample letter:
----THIS LETTER WILL BE SENT IN YOUR NAME----Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],The current economic crisis is the result of problems in thenation's housing markets. Efforts to boost the overall economywill be wholly ineffective if the Economic Stimulus bill thatgoes to the President does not include provisions focused onstabilizing real estate markets. Both the House and Senate versions include provisions that areconsistent with a housing plan that Realtors have advocated forseveral months. A few more changes are needed. Provisionsoffered by the National Association of Realtors that must beincluded are: *The $15,000 homebuyer tax credit that was proposed by SenatorsIsakson, Lieberman and Dodd. *Permanent FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loan limits thatmatch the levels enacted in 2008. *Increased resources for foreclosure mitigation efforts to stemthe flood of foreclosures. Housing has always lifted our economy out of past economicdownturns. Let's get housing moving now so that the economy canrecover. Please support the inclusion of these criticalprovisions in any economic stimulus bill sent to the President. Thank you for your hard work.----END OF LETTER TO BE SENT----Sincerely,
<<Agent's First & Last Name>>
I approve. Send my letter and the Call for Action to my agents. I want to make edits. Editing the message slows the delivery I do not want to participate in this Broker Call for Action. Do not send this message from me to my agents. Broker No Action Dear {First Name}, NAR emailed you today and asked you to take immediate action on NAR's Housing Stimulus Plan Call for Action. This Call for Action came from Charles McMillan, NAR President. I support his efforts. You know how important housing is to the national economy. Congress is moving very fast on a Stimulus package and they need to hear from all REALTORS now about what is needed. The NAR Housing Stimulus Plan is a critical component to unlocking the American economy. I urge you to take action today. http://takeaction.realtoractioncenter.com/campaign/2009stimulus/ Sincerely, Broker Name
Please tell us why you decided not to participate in this particular Call for Action (CFA). It will help us better understand the real estate issues important to you.
Unlock America's EconomyTell Congress that NAR's 4-point housing stimulus plan is crucial for economic recovery.Take Action
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