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Major Donors

RPAC’s Major Donor Program consists of an elite and passionate group of REALTOR® contributors who partner with NAR to shape the political future for the real estate industry. Members of the Major Donor Program are eligible to participate in the RPAC Recognition Program, with specific benefits and accolades that acknowledge their support of RPAC.

With a minimum annual investment of $1,000, there are three levels within the RPAC Major Donor Program: Sterling “R,” Crystal “R” and Golden “R.” NAR affiliates and state or local associations that make a corporate contribution to RPAC are also recognized at these various contributor levels.

 Levels and Benefits

 Learn About the RPAC Hall of Fame

 See the new Major Donor Pins

 Current Major Donor Roster

If you are a member of the Major Donor Council, click here.


Call for Action + Issue Awareness 

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Enter the 2010 REALTOR® Party Video Contest! Tell us why you think it's important to "Vote, Act, Invest"—and win prizes.
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It is time to put partisan politics behind us and work with leaders on both sides of the aisle who are fighting to keep the American dream of homeownership alive. 
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