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President's Circle: Levels and Benefits



$2,000 annual contribution to the President’s Circle
$1,000 annual Sterling R contribution to RPAC


  • Lapel pin with President’s Circle recognition attachment
  • Invitation to legislative briefings at conferences*
  • Designated President’s Circle bar at private receptions
  • Regular newsletter analyzing the REALTOR® political landscape

In addition to the following Sterling R and Crystal R Benefits:

  • Invitation to Major Donor reception at national meetings
  • Regular raffles for complimentary registration at NAR’s Annual Conference, VIP seating at NAR concerts, and tickets to D.C. and Chicago sporting events
  • Personalized Major Donor benefits card
  • Major Donor welcome gift box for introductory year
  • Major Donor plaque for introductory year n New lapel pin every year denoting number of years as a Major Donor
  • Name on electronic banner at national meetings
  • Biennial RPAC Election Cycle Investors Report
  • Online Recognition on NAR Web sites
  • Annual recognition in state REALTOR® Magazines
  • Regular “RPAC Major Donor Report”
  • Notice to donor’s broker requesting office recognition



$2,000 annual contribution to the President’s Circle
RPAC Discount!! $2,000 (instead of $2,500) to join RPAC as Crystal R and $1,000 (instead of $1,500) annually to sustain RPAC status each year you remain a President’s Circle member**


All President’s Circle/Sterling R benefits listed above plus

  • Special concierge service at national meetings
  • Annual recognition in NAR’s REALTOR® magazine
  • Recognition in NAR’s Midyear Meetings and Annual Conference final programs
  • Access to RPAC Hospitality Suite in headquarter hotels at national meetings



$2,000 annual contribution to the President’s Circle
RPAC Discount!! $4,000 (instead of $5,000) to join RPAC as Golden R and $1,000 (instead of $2,000) annually to sustain RPAC status each year you remain a President’s Circle member**


All President’s Circle/Crystal R benefits listed above plus

  • Headquarter hotels guaranteed at national meetings the following year*
  • VIP Seating at NAR concerts the following year*
  • Raffles at NAR meetings for photo opportunity, signed merchandise and private meeting with NAR Booth celebrities
  • Invitations to President’s Circle Luncheon with guest speaker at national meetings

* Due to the significant amount of time it takes to plan annual meetings, these benefits may not be available until the following year.

** Crystal R members who drop out of the President’s Circle must contribute the full $2,500 as first year Crystal R ($1,500 to sustain Crystal R). Golden R members who drop out of the President’s Circle must contribute the full $5,000 as first year Golden R ($2,000 to sustain Golden R).

Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions to RPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal and the National Association of REALTORS® or any of its state associations or local boards will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. Seventy percent of each contribution is used by your state PAC to support state and local political candidates. Until your state PAC reaches its RPAC goal, thirty percent is sent to the National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a; after the state PAC reaches its RPAC goal, it may elect to retain your entire contribution for use in supporting state and local candidates. 


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