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Major Donor Council


  • To support the National Association of REALTORS® and strengthen the "REALTOR® voice" by increasing contribution receipts to the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) and President's Circle Program by specifically recruiting more RPAC Major Donors and President's Circle members.
  • To educate REALTORS® of the importance of the RPAC Major Donor program and President's Circle and the programs' effect on NAR's legislative effectiveness on Capitol Hill.  

 Major Donor Council Members - 2010 (pdf)

 File Your Field Major Donor Council Field Report


What's in Store for 2010?
Hear NAR President Vicki Cox Golder
discuss public policy intiatives for NAR in 2010.
 Watch the Video  

Join the REALTOR® Party
It is time to put partisan politics behind us and work with leaders on both sides of the aisle who are fighting to keep the American dream of homeownership alive. 
 Sign the Pledge

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