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Guidelines for Applying for the RPAC Fundraising Event Grants for State and Local Associations

Associations may apply for grants up to $5,000 to host an RPAC Fundraising initiative or event.* 

Please complete an application form and submit it to RPAC staff for approval.

2013 Application for Fundraising Event Grants (pdf form)

  • If your application is approved, NAR will refund expenses up to the grant allocation. Your application must be sent to NAR three weeks before your event takes place otherwise your grant will not be considered.
  • NAR is willing to fund activities that will generate tangible results; NAR will not fund recognition nor awareness activities through this grant program.
  • NAR strongly recommends your fundraising goal for the event or activity strives to be three times higher than the amount you request (grants are up to $5,000), and your fundraising goal is attainable with a detailed description to support it. Please provide as much detail as possible on your plan including dates, numbers, what specific items the money will be spent on, etc.
  • If your association has received an NAR Partnership Program grant in the past, you may apply again but your past fundraising performance will be a criteria for grant allocation. Associations who did not satisfy the guideline to raise three times the grant amount may not receive the full requested grant amount for future requests.
  • In order to receive reimbursement up to the allocated grant amount, you must also submit a completed evaluation form that will be sent to you once you are approved. We ask the evaluation form be submitted within 30 days of your event.
  • State and local association grantees must commit to forward 30 percent of all RPAC funds raised throughout the fundraising grant to National RPAC. 

 Laura Hawxhurst at lhawxhurst@realtors.org or 202-383-7581.

*Please note some state laws do not allow the use of corporate political contributions for use in fundraising.