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Displaying results 11 - 20 of 96 items found.

11. Appendix D RPMIC Job Description.pdf

(File; Fri Jul 18 10:12:00 CDT 2014)

REALTOR® PARTY MEMBER INVOLVEMENT COMMITTEEJOB RESPONSIBILITIES1. Respond to ALL NAR Calls for Action and encourage others to do the same. Encourage your state andlocal associations to actively support all Calls for Action, to increase p...

12. It's 10PM, Do You Know Where Your Data Is?

(File; Fri Jul 18 10:11:00 CDT 2014)

Privacy and Security Update: A Year in the TrenchesGerard M. Stegmaiergstegmaier@wsgr.com @1sand0slawyerPrivacy and Security in the TrenchesSecurity Breach ConsequencesPrivacy by DesignRegulatory Context and Law: the FTCIndustry-Sp...

Description: "It's 10PM, Do You Know Where Your Data Is?" presentation by Gerard M. Stegmaier, Of Counsel, Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati to NAR's Real Estate Broker Conference on August 8, 2013

13. Economic Update

(File; Fri Jul 18 10:11:00 CDT 2014)

1Economic and Housing MarketTrends and OutlookJed SmithManaging Director, Quantitative ResearchNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®Real Estate Broker ConferenceAugust 7 & 8, 2013Hyatt O’HareChicago, Illinois 2The Outlook: ForecastS...

Description: Economic Update from Jed Smith, NAR Managing Director, Quantitative Research at NAR's Real Estate Broker Conference on August 8, 2013

14. DRAFT Tentative Schedule with room assignments 5 27 14

(File; Fri Jul 18 10:15:00 CDT 2014)

15. MI Agenda

(File; Fri Jul 18 10:15:00 CDT 2014)

16. EHO CE Credit Outline_Option 1.pdf

(File; Fri Jul 18 10:10:00 CDT 2014)

Expanding Housing Opportunites Timed Agenda with Learning Objectives: With 3 – 10 Minute BreaksTimeTimeminutesSubjectLearning ObjectivesAfter completion of module, participant will be able to:8:30amRegistrationRegistration and start Iceb...

17. 2013 MidYear Meeting Minutes

(File; Fri Jul 18 10:11:00 CDT 2014)

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS2013 MIDYEAR LEGISLATIVE MEETING & TRADE EXPOWASHINGTON HILTON HOTELLINCOLN ROOMWEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 201310:00AM – 12:00PM1. The Committee was called to order at 10:00am. (Minutes from the 2012 Annual Me...

Description: Minutes from 2013 MidYear

18. EHO CE Credit Test.pdf

(File; Fri Jul 18 10:10:00 CDT 2014)

Expanding Housing Opportunities ExamModule 11. Housing is generally considered affordable if no more than ________ percent of income is spent onhousing.a. 20b. 25c. 30d. 352. The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) defines housing o...

19. EHO Class Description.pdf

(File; Fri Jul 18 10:10:00 CDT 2014)

Expanding Housing OpportunitiesA Via T i Tay’ EyOverviewExpanding Housing Opportunities is a 4-hour course designed to educate real estateprofessionals on a range of affordable housing opportunities and the clients who seek them.Particip...

20. EHO Sponsor Guide_2013.pdf

(File; Fri Jul 18 10:10:00 CDT 2014)

National Association of REALTORS®Expanding Housing Opportunities (EHO)Sponsor GuideSPONSOR RESPONSIBILITIESAs a Sponsor, you will set a date and find a location for the class; hire an authorizedInstructor; notify NAR of the upcoming clas...