Amazing Apps
DMAR Central office

$25.00 for DMAR members
No CE credit
Bruce Gardner, Instructor

Smart phones and tablet computers are changing the way Consumers access information and how Agents work. Enter the Amazing world of Apps, those little bits of software that help you take control of your business and your life! This 2 hour class reviews more that 80 different Apps that can improve your efficiency, organize your world, improve your business and change your life! Don't miss it, there will be some great Apps for you! 

Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
4300 E. Warren Ave
Denver, CO 80222

We're sorry, the deadline for buying tickets for this event has passed.


Denver Metro Association of REALTORS | 4300 E. Warren Ave., Denver, CO 80222 | 303-756-0553