NAR Ethics Update
Denver Metro Association North office

3 CE
$35.00 for DMAR members
James Browning, Instructor

Mandatory ethics training requirements for new and continuing REALTOR® members was established by the National Association’s Board of Directors at the 1999 Annual Convention to heighten member awareness of the key tenets of the Code of Ethics; to create an awareness of and appreciation for the role the Code can and should play in their professional lives; to enhance professionalism and competency; and to encourage REALTORS® to view their Code of Ethics as a living, viable guide in their daily dealings with clients, customers, and the public.

Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
13648 Orchard Parkway Ste 900
Westminster, CO 80023

If you'd like to attend this event you can purchase tickets online.


Denver Metro Association of REALTORS | 4300 E. Warren Ave., Denver, CO 80222 | 303-756-0553