Instructor: Panel (See below)
Credits: 0
Cost: FREE
Location: Denver Metro Central Office: 4300 E. Warren Ave. Denver, CO. 80222
Residential Energy Efficiency
and Making it Work For You
Energy Efficiency has become an
emerging trend in the home buying process, but with that has come many
questions. eGreenContractors, the EPA, HUD, and Coldorado Energy Office
have developed a presentation to help you understand how energy efficiency is
being incorporated into the home buying process and resources you can use to
help sell inefficient homes.
You will leave with:
- The idea that your knowledge of
how to talk with a buyer about inefficiency is just as important as efficiency
- How to market an Energy Efficient property. What does the Greenfields Addendum
entail? How do I use the fields in PrimeAccess? Why is this important?
- An understanding of what the Colorado Energy Office work with other
stakeholders means to you
- What resources and programs on energy efficiency you might want to use and
- How the Energy Efficient Mortgage works and the opportunity it presents
- Where to get additional resources
Melissa Baldridge – Co-Founder –
LEED AP accredited. Certified
HERS rater and energy auditor.
Peter Rusin, Residential Program
Colorado Energy Office
Kate Gregory, LEED® AP, O+M
Residential Program Manager
U.S. EPA Region 8 (8P-P2T)
Tammy Pritchard, Underwriter
U.S. Department of HUD
Denver Homeownership Center