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REALTOR Party Action Center Advanced Training: Events - Oct 15
Webex Online Training

Nearly every REALTOR association hosts events and/or classes for members. From the very small to the very large events, one key to success is a fast and easy registration process for the members. Over the last 6 months NAR, in conjunction with the Billings Association of REALTORS, has spent many hours helping Convio/Blackbaud staff develop the REALTOR Party Hub events module with additional features and functions that all REALTOR associations will benefit from. If you need a tool to help your members register for events online, the REALTOR Party Hub may now be the answer for you. In this 60 minute session we will cover:

  • An overview of the different types of events you can create in the REALTOR Party Hub
  • Creating a ticketed event with different ticket types
  • Creating questions to go along with your event registration
  • Creating groups based on event registration questions
  • Reporting on your events

Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

We're sorry, the deadline for registering for this event has passed.


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