Tuesday, September 30, 2014
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Billings Association of Realtors®
1643 Lewis Ave
Ste 12
Billings, MT 59102
United States
Course #14RR0055
1 Elective Credit
Instructor Shoots Veis is a Senior Project Engineer at Interstate Engineering responsible for land development and public water supply projects from beginning to end.
During this fast-paced hour, Shoots will cover the structure of government in Montana and how it relates to the land subdivision process, including:
- Process for dividing less than 160 acre parcels
- Subdivision and Platting Act and Sanitation in Subdivision
- Steps in the Platting Act
- Steps in Sanitation in Subdivision
- Obtaining Final Plat
Bring your lunch along to enjoy while you learn. Seating is limited.