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New Member Orientation
Billings Association of REALTORS®

New Member Orientation

Orientation is a mandatory membership requirement and must be completed within 60 days of the Association's receipt of your membership application.

This important informational session addresses REALTOR® benefits, the Code of Ethics, Anti-Trust Laws, MLS rules and regulations, and Fair Housing, as well as providing an understanding of the National, Montana and Billings REALTOR® associations.

Remember: The requirements of becoming a REALTOR® include being approved by the Board of Directors, attending orientation and induction , and following the Code of Ethics of the REALTOR® Association.

Time: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
1643 Lewis Avenue
Suite 12
Billings, MT 59102
United States

We're sorry, the deadline for registering for this event has passed.


Maintainer: Billings Association of Realtors (
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