Senate Whip: A Senator elected by his/her party to count potential votes and promote unity voting. The majority and minority whip are the second ranking leadership positions in their respective parties.
Dear ,
Save the Date! Inaugural FPC Roundtable Meeting in New
Orleans, LA
On Thursday, November 6, 2014, at
2pm (Hyatt Grand Ballroom A), the NAR Grassroots team will
be hosting the first FPC Roundtable meeting in New Orleans. If you are planning
to attend the 2014 REALTORS® Conference & Expo, please be sure to join us. This Roundtable
is your chance to meet and network with other FPCs from around the country. It
will provide an excellent venue to brainstorm and delve into
more complex and individualized scenarios or questions you might have. You will
also be the first to hear NAR’s take on the election results.
Also, of interest, we will be
holding the RPMIC Annual Meeting in New Orleans. That meeting will be on
Friday, November 7, from 10am-12:30pm. During this meeting, RPMIC members will
be continuing their discussion on building a culture of advocacy.
If you plan to attend either
meeting, please let us know by emailing Victoria Givens at vgivens@realtors.org.
If you have not yet registered for the Conference and Expo, you can do so HERE.
See the full lineup of events at the REALTORS® Conference &
NAR’s Position on Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAVs)/Drones
This week, NAR
analysts talked about how the National Association of REALTORS® is letting the
federal government know its members are ready to use unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs) safely and responsibly in their business once such use is permitted. You
can watch a short video of those comments HERE.
Please note, NAR’s current position on this issue is that REALTORS® should not
use drones in their business at this time.
In Case You Missed It: Getting Out the REALTOR® Vote Live Webcast
In case you missed last week's Getting Out the REALTOR® Vote
live webcast, featuring NAR President Steve Brown and the NAR Government
Affairs staff talking about the 2014 midterm elections, please click on the link
below to view the entire recording.
FPC Spotlight
Many of you
continue to get well deserved accolades for your outstanding service and great
work you do in your Congressional Districts. Last week, Rick Violett - FPC for Rep. Gary Miller (CA-31), was honored by the
California Association of Realtors as this year's recipient of the Distinguished
California REALTOR Award. Congratulations Rick! Meanwhile, Marilyn
Glazer – FPC for Rep. Janice Schakowsky
(IL-9) is making waves in Illinois as she was sworn in this week as the first
woman Supervisor of Niles Township Government. Incredible work Marilyn, way to
go! Please continue to inform us of your successes as they occur so we can be
sure to give you the recognition you deserve and you can continue to inspire
one another in the important work that you do.
Tips of the Trade
This Week: Get Out the Vote – How To
Do Your Part
The mid-term elections are only 18 days away. As advocacy ambassadors of
NAR’s 1 million members, it is more important than ever that you do all you can
to get out the vote (GOTV)! Realtors need to lead the way to the polls on November
4th. The
following are some tips on how you can GOTV amongst agents in your area:
- Organize a
carpool of Realtor friends to the voting booth on Election Day.
- Reach out over
social media (Facebook/Twitter) encouraging your friends and colleagues to vote.
- Post calendar
reminders in your office that election day is November 4th
- Stake yard signs
supporting your candidate in your yard.
- Wear your “I
Voted” sticker proudly throughout Election Day.
States continue to open polls for early
voting. To see if early voting is open in your state or to check your voter
registration status, click here.
It may be cliché, but it is true— Every Vote Matters!
✪in Minnesota, the 2008 U.S.
Senate race was decided by just over 200 votes.
✪in Washington state, the
incumbent governor won her first election by only 129 votes.
✪in Avery County, N.C., a proposed
transfer tax was defeated by a margin of just 35 votes.
These are not isolated examples. Each election
cycle, races at the local, state and national levels are often decided by just
a handful of votes. If you would like further tips on how to GOTV in your area,
NAR is here to help with our
Voter Registration Initiative.
NAR’s Voter Registration Initiative was
developed to assist you and your association by providing tools and
services that help increase the number of your voting members. Nearly
80 percent of REALTORS® are registered to vote, but we can
do better. It is your role to help protect the interests of the real estate industry. By
making sure that members of your State Associations are registered to vote on
key issues and races, NAR helps to ensure that The
Voice for Real Estate® is heard by legislators at the
local, state and national levels.
If you would like information on NAR's Voter
Registration Initiative and the tools and services available to you from NAR,
please contact NAR representative, Kyle Lambert London at klambert@realtors.org or 202-383-1203.
**FPC Weekly Newsletters are now online!