2015 FPC News

Conference Report: The document presenting an agreement reached by a joint temporary committee (a conference committee) appointed to negotiate a compromise between the House and Senate.

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http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo Major Success

Last week, over 8,000 REALTORs® from all over the country joined together in Washington D.C. to continue a tradition that goes back throughout NAR’s 100+ year history. Every single Member of Congress and Senator heard from REALTORs® on legislative issues affecting real estate. Much of that effort was thanks to you, our incredible FPCs who did an excellent job of conveying our talking points. Please give yourselves a big pat on the back. We had a full house at the FPC Roundtable with over 500 in attendance (standing room only!) and a great turnout at the FPC Reception and Lounge. Thanks to all of you for your hard work, especially those who worked diligently to get your legislators to sign the RESPA letter to the CFPB. We were able to secure over 250 signatures. A major accomplishment! Please take the time to thank your Member of Congress if he or she signed onto the letter. If you are unaware whether or not they have done so, you can reach out to Victoria Givens at vgivens@realtors.org.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif FPC Stipend/Reimbursement Details

As you are likely aware, each FPC who attended the REALTORs® Legislative Meeting and Trade Expo in Washington, D.C. last week will be afforded up to $1,000 to help defray the costs of the trip. The reimbursement process will be the same as in previous years: FPCs, following state reimbursement rules, should file their expense report with the state immediately after their trip. States then should submit one invoice to NAR for the entire state FPC delegation that attended the meetings and are requesting the stipend. The invoice should list the name of each FPC requesting assistance, and the amount (they may vary) being requested for each FPC. Invoices should be submitted to NAR by July 1, 2015. Please email your invoice to govcpapay@realtors.org. For questions about who to contact in your state or other queries, please contact Victoria Givens at vgivens@realtors.org

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif Remember to File Your Field Reports

After a busy week of meetings, please don't forget to file your field reports. We have one month until the end of the quarter and this is the perfect opportunity for you to tell us about your interactions both in Washington, D.C. and back in the district. You can file your field reports HERE.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif Important 2015 President’s Circle Reminder

Did you know 147 FPCs are 2015 President’s Circle members (up from 124 last year)? That’s 27% of you who are taking advantage of this unique opportunity! You further strengthen the REALTOR® Party beyond what we can do with RPAC dollars alone by investing $500 directly in the Member of Congress you serve as FPC. (An FPC must choose either a $500 contribution to their Member of Congress OR a National Party Committee – they cannot do both in Round 1) To remain a President’s Circle member your first $500 is due by May 31st, all $2,000 in President’s Circle funds is due by Sept. 30th.

“As a REALTOR® and an FPC, I truly believe in the mantra of Vote, Act & Invest. Our elected officials know who Votes & Acts, but they really pay attention to those of us who Invest.  My credibility with my Member of Congress has skyrocketed in large part because of my investment in RPAC and especially the President’s Circle program.  The financial investment in RPAC & the President’s Circle will speak volumes about your commitment to our Industry and Association.” -- 2015 NAR RPAC Fundraising Trustee Chair and FPC for Richard Neal (MA), Kevin Sears

redArrow.jpg Current PC Roster
redArrow.jpg Contact: Lauren Facemire at lfacemire@realtors.org/202-383-1080 or Maggie FitzGerald at mfitzgerald@realtors.org / 202-383-1078

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif FPC Spotlight: Meritorious Service Award Winners

For those who do not know Rick Violett (CA) and Ilene Kessler (MD), they exemplify what it means to be an FPC in every sense of the word. Besides their close relationships with their legislators, Rick and Ilene have gone above and beyond over the years in all aspects of advocacy. From motivating others to participate in Calls for Action, to getting out the vote in election years and educating their Members on Realtor issues where it counts, both FPCs deserve a huge congratulations for their dedication and hard work in supporting the Realtor Party. These MVP’s of our varsity team should be what each FPC strives to embody as we set our goals for being good advocates and citizens in this next cycle for the 114th Congress. Cheers Rick and Ilene! Thanks from all of us at NAR.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif Winner of the FPC Headshot Contest: Joanne Darling!

The clock ran out during the FPC Roundtable in Washington, before we could recognize the winner of our $200 Visa gift card, but we do have a winner. Congratulations Joanne Darling, FPC for Senator Barbara Mikulski! You’re the winner of the FPC Headshot drawing and your gift card is in the mail. If you have not yet sent in your headshot, we are still collecting them as we would like one photo for every FPC. So even though the contest is over, please still send in your FPC headshot.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif NAR President Chris Polychron Testifies on Capitol Hill

On May 14, NAR President, Chris Polychron testified before the U.S. House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance. He urged the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to implement a grace period for those seeking to comply in good faith with new rules for loan closing procedures and settlement documents. The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and Truth in Lending Act integrated disclosure rule is set to take effect August 1. To read more about the hearing, click here.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif When, Where and How can I Use My Drone

There will be a time when REALTORs® can legally fly an unmanned aerial system, or drone, around property listings to capture images for marketing purposes, but that time has not yet arrived, at least not completely. That's according to Federal Aviation Administration officials who told REALTORS® on May 15 during a session at the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo. For more on what was said, click here.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif NAR Sends Letter to House Small Business Committee  

On May 13, the House Small Business Committee held a hearing titled "Bridging the Small Business Capital Gap: Peer-to-Peer Lending." The purpose of the hearing was to examine the rise of peer-to-peer lending platforms that seek to satisfy the demand for debt capital that is currently not being met by banks and other conventional lenders. NAR sent a letter to the Committee thanking the Chairman, Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) and Ranking Member Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY) for holding the hearing and supporting the protection and enhancement of capital flow to commercial real estate. You can read the letter here.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif Economic and Housing Market Outlook

These slides are from the Economic and Housing Market Outlook presentation given by Lawrence Yun during the Residential Economic Issues & Trends Forum at the REALTORs® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo in Washington, DC, on May 14, 2015.

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