2015 FPC News

Caucus: a meeting of the members of a legislative body or registered voters who are members of a particular political party, to select candidates or decide policy.

The Iowa presidential caucuses are precinct meetings, Iowa has over 2,000 precincts, where registered Republicans and Democrats gather to discuss and choose a candidate for their party’s nomination.  The caucus system is complex but allows neighbors to publicly announce support for their candidate and encourage others to join in that support.  This website has a detailed description of the 2016 Iowa Caucus and candidates.

Dear ,

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif Webinar: Exclusive RPAC Training for FPCs

This is a reminder that on January 27th at 2pm EST, NAR will be hosting a webinar for all FPCs to brush up on RPAC rules and regulations as we head into 2016 the election season. Please make it a priority to participate. Vice President of RPAC Disbursements and Political Programs, Scott Reiter will lead the discussion and be accompanied by Maggie Fitzgerald and Victoria Givens. Please watch your email for a special update that will include a link to the webinar next week or you can click below.


http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif May Meeting Registration Opening Soon

Registration for May Meetings will be opening on Wednesday, February 17th. The lottery for housing is already open if you would like to try and stay at one of the headquarter hotels. You can access the lottery here. Be sure to register for the meetings early, especially if you would like to secure a room in the FPC room block at The Liaison Capitol Hill Hotel. You will be able to book a room within this block upon registration. Important dates to keep in mind as you make your travel plans are the following:

May 10 - FPC Roundtable (1:30/2pm-3:30pm estimated time)

May 11 - FPC Reception (6pm-9pm)

May 10/11 - FPC VIP Lounge (12pm-5pm (W) & 9am-5pm (TH))

More details on the basic conference agenda schedule can be found here.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif Congress Discusses Flood Insurance

On January 7, 2016, the House of Representatives held the first in a series of roundtables and hearings on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). As many of you know, the program must be reauthorized before September 30, 2017 in order to keep selling flood insurance. No legislation has been introduced. Instead, the purpose of these hearings was to begin soliciting ideas for how to restructure the NFIP with the goal of developing comprehensive reform legislation before the end of the year. For more on this topic, click here.

Read NAR’s letter on NFIP reauthorization and private market reforms

Read NAR’s letter on private market flood insurance

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif FIRPTA Bill Takes First Step

The recently-enacted Protecting American Taxpayers from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act includes two NAR-supported provisions affecting the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) that are estimated to significantly boost foreign investment in U.S. commercial real estate. However, as part of a package of tax changes to offset the cost of the two provisions, Congress also included an increase in the FIRPTA withholding rate from 10% to 15%.  But property acquired from foreign persons that is to be used as a personal residence is exempt from the increase if the sales price does not exceed $1 million.

For an in-depth, printable issue brief on FIRPTA and its impact, click here.

Questions about the new law can be directed to:

Evan M. Liddiard, CPA (Senior Policy Representative – Federal Taxation), NAR Government Affairs:  eliddiard@realtors.org  202-383-1083.

Finley Maxson (Senior Counsel), NAR Legal Department:  fmaxson@realtors.org  312-329-8381.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif FHFA Finalizes Home Loan Bank Rule

Last week, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) finalized the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) Membership rule. NAR had written in support of an expanded, ongoing mortgage asset test, however, FHFA determined that 98% of FHLB members met the ongoing test and that implementation would be burdensome to capture the other 2%. With this rule, banks can remain members of the FHLB system without holding any mortgage related assets. For more details and a link to the final rule, click here.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif  Meritorious Service Award Process and Deadline

This is a reminder that NAR is now accepting nominations for the 2015 Meritorious Service Award. The deadline for submissions is Monday, February 22, 2016. Each year, NAR recognizes two outstanding Federal Political Coordinators for their exceptional service to the National Association of REALTORS® with this esteemed award. These recipients will be the best of the best of our FPCs, those who truly believe in and advocate on behalf of the REALTOR® Party. Recipients meet a rigorous set of criteria that set them apart from other FPCs.  To see a list of criteria for the MSA award click here.

The Meritorious Service Award nomination form can be accessed ONLINE through the REALTOR Action Center. For more information about the MSA award and process, please contact Victoria Givens at vgivens@realtors.org.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif   FPC Spotlight

Congratulations to Mr. Ed Neaves, FPC for Illinois Congressman Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who was recently awarded the 2016 IL REALTORS Political Involvement Award. Great work Ed! Mr. Dan Quinn, FPC for Rep Tom Cole (OK-4) also received a prestigious award and special recognition by the president for his work with the association and their MLS. Thanks to you both for continuing to be stellar realtors and shining stars in our industry.

Sad news: In other news, I regret to inform you that one of your dear and esteemed colleagues, Mr. Jim Cockrill, longtime FPC for Rep. Pete Olson (TX-22) lost his battle with cancer earlier this month. He was a wonderful REALTOR and great friend to many. He will be missed.



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