2015 FPC News
Bicameral - Literally, “two chambers;” in a legislative body, having two houses (as in the House of Representatives and the Senate comprising the U.S. Congress).

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http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif  House Passes “Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act” (HR 3700)

The U.S. House of Representatives voted this week to advance legislation that will expand opportunities for homeownership. H.R. 3700, the "Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act," includes a number of initiatives that have strong support from the National Association of Realtors®, who hailed the vote as important progress for home buyers and sellers. For more on the issue, click here.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif  WOTUS Override Vote Fails

Last week saw significant activity related to the Waters of the U.S. rule, also known as WOTUS. On January 20, the Senate attempted to override the President’s veto on the Resolution of Disapproval that was passed by Congress.  This resolution would have prohibited the EPA from implementing the WOTUS rule. The Senate’s efforts to override the veto were unsuccessful.  A successful veto override requires a supermajority (67 votes) of the Senate and there were insufficient Democrats to vote yes in this case. This regulatory stay, while important, is temporary.  NAR has opposed this rule from its inception and will continue to push for a legislative solution to determine which waters are considered to be under federal jurisdiction and which are not.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif  Survey: Home Buyers Increasingly Interested in One-Stop Shopping

 NAR recently commissioned a survey by Harris Poll on consumer preferences for real estate services. Originally conducted in 2008, and again in 2010, this third survey evaluates any changes in home buyer preferences especially given the improvement in the economy over the past several years. Surveying over 1,100 recent and future home buyers online in September 2015, NAR discovered that usage of and interest in “one-stop shopping” has substantially increased. Fifty percent of recent buyers used one source to procure home-buying services, compared to 29 percent in 2008.  Benefits of “one-stop shopping” noted by home buyers included:

    • Saving money when firms offer discounted prices (81 percent)
    • Having the ability to compare rates across a variety of providers (75 percent)
    • Making the home-buying process more efficient and manageable (74 percent)

To learn more about the survey findings, click here.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif  VIDEO: NAR Forecasts Modest Increase in Home Sales in 2016 

 Following the housing market's best year in nearly a decade, existing-home sales are forecasted to expand in 2016 at a more moderate pace as pent-up buyer demand combats affordability pressures and meager economic growth, according to NAR’s Chief Economist Lawrence Yun in a newly-released video on his 2016 housing market expectations. In the NAR-published video, Yun discusses his expectations for the U.S. economy and housing market in 2016 and points to pent-up demand, sustained job growth and improving inventory conditions as his reasons for an expected gain (from 2015) in new and existing-home sales. Despite his forecasted increase in sales, Yun cites rising mortgage rates, home prices still outpacing wages and shaky global economic conditions as headwinds that will likely hold back a stronger pace of sales. (Read more)

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif  RPAC Training Webinar Recording

In case you missed it, the recording of the RPAC training webinar is now available online. Thanks to the many of you who joined. It is important that all FPCs internalize the information that was put forth on this webinar as we head into the 2016 election cycle.  If you have any questions, you can always contact me at vgivens@realtors.org or 202-383-1021

Access the Webinar Recording Here

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif  Reminder: May Meeting Registration Opening Soon

Registration for May Meetings will be opening on Wednesday, February 17th. The lottery for housing is already open if you would like to try and stay at one of the headquarter hotels. You can access the lottery here. Be sure to register for the meetings early, especially if you would like to secure a room in the FPC room block at The Liaison Capitol Hill Hotel. You will be able to book a room within this block upon registration. Important dates to keep in mind as you make your travel plans are the following:

May 10 - FPC Roundtable (1:30/2pm-3:30pm estimated time)

May 11 - FPC Reception (6pm-9pm)

May 10/11 - FPC VIP Lounge (12pm-5pm (W) & 9am-5pm (TH))

More details on the basic conference agenda schedule can be found here.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif  Meritorious Service Award Process and Deadline

This is a reminder that NAR is now accepting nominations for the 2015 Meritorious Service Award. The deadline for submissions is Monday, February 22, 2016. Each year, NAR recognizes two outstanding Federal Political Coordinators for their exceptional service to the National Association of REALTORS® with this esteemed award. These recipients will be the best of the best of our FPCs, those who truly believe in and advocate on behalf of the REALTOR® Party. Recipients meet a rigorous set of criteria that set them apart from other FPCs.  To see a list of criteria for the MSA award click here.

The Meritorious Service Award nomination form can be accessed ONLINE through the REALTOR Action Center. For more information about the MSA award and process, please contact Victoria Givens at vgivens@realtors.org.

http://www2.realtoractioncenter.com/images/content/pagebuilder/28022.gif   FPC Spotlight

FPCs continue to do good work and impress. This week, a couple folks in Massachusets in particular are worth highlighting. Congrats to Mr. Paul Yorkis, FPC for Joe Kennedy, who was installed as President Elect of the Massachusetts Association of Realtors this year.  Also, Mrs. Rita Coffey , FPC to Congressman Bill Keating, received a distinguished award at MAR a few months ago recognizing her outstanding achievment in helping the Association achieve its objectives of increased access to home ownership and the preservation of private property rights. Great work team!



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