Brokered Convention-occurs when no single candidate has secured a majority of delegates prior to the first vote for a political party's presidential candidate at its nominating convention. Once the first ballot, or vote, has occurred, and no candidate has a
majority of the delegates' votes, the convention is then considered brokered; thereafter, the nomination is decided through a process of alternating political (super) delegate vote trading—and additional re-votes. In this circumstance, all regular delegates (who may have been pledged to a particular candidate according to rules which vary from state to state) are "released" and able to switch their allegiance to a different candidate before the next round of balloting. |
Dear ,
FPC Roundtable Question: Part Two
During FPC Roundtable at the REALTOR Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo in May, what topic would you most like to hear Jerry Giovaniello discuss? Please select your top choice.
- Commercial Issues
- Congressional Election Outlook
- Business Operation Issues
- Housing Finance Issues
- REALTOR Tax Issues
If you
have questions about the above, please contact Victoria Givens at vgivens@realtors.org.
Please File Your 1st Quarter Field Reports
This is a friendly reminder that your 2016 FPC Quarterly Field Reports are
due before the end of March. For your convenience the reporting link has been included below. When filing your reports, please take the time to be as detailed as possible
about your interactions with your Senators and Representatives.
To file your FPC Field Reports: CLICK
Please reach out to Victoria Givens if you
have any questions: vgivens@realtors.org
or 202-383-1021
RSVP: FPC Lobbyist Prep Salons
Please remember to
RSVP for your lobbyist prep salon in May. As a reminder, this
is your opportunity to network with other FPCs while getting personal time and
training with your lobbyist. Your political directors will also be on hand to
answer any questions you may have. These sessions will better prepare you for
your day on Capitol Hill and ensure you have the best possible meeting with
your Members of Congress. This opportunity is only
being provided to FPCs and State Government Affairs Directors. No guests or
extra team members will be allowed to participate.
Please see the schedule and map below to determine your lobbyist, find
out what time your state meets on Tuesday, May 10th, then RSVP. All salons will take place in
the Washington Hilton on Connecticut Avenue.
Exact room names will be forthcoming closer to the date. If you have any
questions, please contact Victoria Givens at VGivens@realtors.org or 202-383-1021.
Tuesday, May 10
9:30am - 10:30am FPC Lobbyist Salon 7: Colin
10:00am - 11:00am FPC Lobbyist Salon 1: Helen
Devlin |
10:00am - 11:00am FPC Lobbyist Salon 2: Jamie
Gregory |
10:00am - 11:00am FPC Lobbyist Salon 3: Jerry
Giovaniello |
10:00am - 11:00am FPC Lobbyist Salon 4: Dan Blair |
10:00am - 11:00am FPC Lobbyist Salon 5: Joe Harris |
10:00am - 11:00am FPC Lobbyist Salon 6: Ken Wingert |
Important FPC Meetings During REALTOR Legislative Meetings and Trade Expo
Please note the following important meetings as you plan your travel to D.C. in May.
May 10
9:30 - 10:30 AM and 10:00 – 11:00 AM - FPC Lobbyist Prep Salons, Washington
2:00 - 3:20 PM - FPC Roundtable, Omni Shoreham
May 11
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM - FPC Reception, Omni Shoreham
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM - FPC VIP Lounge, Hyatt Capitol Hill
May 12
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM - FPC VIP Lounge, Hyatt Capitol Hill
Stipend/Reimbursement Details
As you are likely aware, each FPC
who attends the REALTORs® Legislative Meeting and Trade Expo in Washington,
D.C. is afforded a stipend of up to $1,000 to help defray the costs of your
trip. The reimbursement process will be the same as in previous years: FPCs,
following state reimbursement rules, should file your expense report with the
state immediately after your trip. States will then submit one invoice
to NAR for the entire state FPC delegation that attended the meetings and are
requesting the stipend.
NAR President Tom
Salomone Comments on Appraisal Threshold
This week, NAR President Tom Salomone submitted a comment letter to the
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). The letter affirms
NAR support of the current appraisal threshold of $250,000 for Federally
Related Transactions. The letter also thanked the federal banking agencies for
their March 4, 2016 Interagency Advisory on Use of Evaluations in Real
Estate-Related Financial Transactions, which describes the existing framework
for using an evaluation instead of an appraisal in some real estate-related
financial transactions.
Comment Letter to FFIEC
Advisory on Use of Evaluations in Real Estate-Related Financial Transactions
Senate Committee Holds Drone Hearing
Last week, the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship held
the hearing, "Up in the Air: Examining the Commercial Applications of
Unmanned Aircraft for Small Businesses." During the hearing,
witnesses from the Air Line Pilots Association, the Association of Unmanned
Vehicle Systems International, and the Mercatus Center at George Mason
University discussed the potential that unmanned aerial systems (drones) hold
for the U.S. economy and small businesses, the need for the U.S. to remain
competitive with other nations in drone innovation, and the importance of
protecting privacy and safety of people in the National Air Space and on the
NAR sent a letter to the Committee members for the hearing, emphasizing the
potential that drone technology holds for the real estate industry, while
reiterating our commitment to working with the FAA and other agencies to create
a culture of safe and responsible drone users.
Read NAR's Letter
NAR Sends Letter to Senate on HR 3700
NAR sent a letter to all Senators, urging them to bring H.R. 3700, the
"Housing Opportunities through Modernization Act” to the Senate
floor. This legislation passed the House with a unanimous vote of 427-0
last month. HR 3700 contains provisions to ease FHA restrictions on condo sale
and purchase; provides permanent authority for direct endorsement for approved
lenders to approve Rural Housing Service loans; and makes reforms to federally
assisted rental housing programs to streamline the program. NAR is urging
the Senate to bring this important, non-controversial legislation to the Floor
for an immediate vote.
NAR letter to Senate on HR 3700
(link is external)
NAR testimony on HR 3700 (link is
NAR Condominium Resource Book
Rules for Endangered Species Changed
Increases Regulator Burdens
The US Fish & Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service
(the “Services”) have circulated major changes to their critical habitat
regulations. The result will be more designation of state, local and private
land as critical habitat, and increased regulatory burdens and costs on land
activities. Effects will be felt by a wide range of public and private sector
entities across government and industry sectors, including real estate. The
changes take effect on March 14, 2016. To read more on the issue click
Supreme Court to Hear Water Case
In the biggest Clean Water Act (CWA) case in a decade, the U.S. Supreme
Court will soon decide whether government assertions of CWA jurisdiction may be
challenged in court. All commercial activities that involve the use of land or
waterbodies can be impacted by CWA regulatory burdens. Thus, the outcome of
this case has the potential to affect all public and private sector entities
engaged in land use and development including the banking, real estate, retail,
energy and agriculture industries. NAR is engaged and watching the matter
closely. To read more click
Electronic FPC Packets for NAR’s Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo
This year, your FPC packets will again be electronic, which means you will
be able to download and print all of your information in advance. Your
electronic packets will be available for download in late April/early May through
the REALTOR® Action Center FPC page at www.realtoractioncenter/epacket2016. Your electronic packets will include the following:
- Talking Points
- NAR Congressional Map Report
- RPR Report
- Capitol Hill Map
- Do’s and Don’ts of Meeting with Members of Congress
- Helpful Tips
- Important meetings
- D.C. metro map
- Restaurants around town
- Contact Information for NAR Grassroots Team
You will receive your leave-behind material for your Capitol Hill
meetings at the FPC Roundtable on May 10th, the Federal Issues Briefing
on May 12th and pamphlets will also be available at the FPC
Lounge. If you have any questions, please contact Victoria Givens at vgivens@realtors.org.
Hearings on the Hill
This week, NAR followed the following hearings on Capitol Hill. You can see full recordings of each hearing below. For questions, please contact vgivens@realtors.org.
of the Trade
This Week: How to Write an Effective Letter to Congress
While it is best to try and
communicate with your member in person, there are instances where a letter or
e-mail is appropriate and even necessary. As you are aware, NAR has developed a
number of Calls for Action on the REALTOR® Action Center Website, which can be
accessed here
that enable you to quickly and easily communicate with your elected officials
on issues important to NAR. If you decide to write your own letter, this list of
helpful suggestions will improve the effectiveness of your communication:
1. State your
purpose: Your purpose for writing should be
stated in the first paragraph of the letter. If the letter pertains to a
specific piece of legislation, identify it accordingly, e.g., House bill: H.R.
____, Senate bill: S. ____.
State your position: Explain how a bill would affect you,
your family, your business, or even your state or community.
Focus on one issue: Address only one issue in each
letter using facts and examples to support your position, and if possible, keep
the letter to one page.
Be courteous: However, do be firm, confident, and
Address your letter: Put your return address on the
letter, not just the envelope. Envelopes are often thrown away before a letter
is answered.
Explain: Be clear as to whether you are
writing on your own behalf or as president of an organization, chairman of a group etc.
Ask for a reply: Indicate to your legislator that
you would appreciate a reply containing his or her position on the issue. As a
constituent, you have a right to know your representative’s views.
Follow up: If your legislator’s vote on the
bill pleases you, express your thanks. Everybody appreciates a complimentary
letter. By the same token, you should express your dissatisfaction with votes
that do not support your position.
Addressing Correspondence:
a Senator
a Representative
a Chair of a committee or the Speaker of the House, it is proper to address
them as:
The Honorable (full name):
The Honorable (full name):
Dear Mr. Chairman or Madam
United States Senate
United States House of Representatives
Dear Mr. Speaker or Madam Speaker:
Washington, DC 20510
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Senator (last name):
Dear Representative (last name):
**FPC Weekly Newsletters are now online!